Market Insights

Scotiabank is proud to receive high-profile acknowledgement in the 2023 LatinFinance Deals of the Year Awards, both as a recipient of the ‘Investment Bank of the Year: Chile’ title, and for its support for eight client-led transactions across services and geographies.1

Each year, LatinFinance spotlights the most notable transactions and market participants, following an extensive research process. For the year 2023, Scotiabank earned ‘Investment Bank of the Year: Chile,’ in recognition of the efforts of Scotiabank’s wholesale banking team in Chile and globally. LatinFinance took note that, amidst a complex and volatile year:

  • Scotiabank in Chile participated in 130 investment banking transactions, totalling more than US$21 billion.2
  • Scotiabank continues to be the top global and local debt issuer in the country with over US$1.9 billion during the past year for prominent issuers such as the Republic of Chile.2
  • Scotiabank is ranked #1 in the corporate banking loans segment, reaching 23% market share last year, and providing liquidity to more than 100 corporate and commercial banking clients in Chile including syndicated, structured and project finance deals.2
  • In Sustainable Finance, Scotiabank structured US$1.4 billion in nine ESG loans and over US$5.3 billion in sustainable, green or social bonds in Chile from July 2022 to August 2023.2
  • Scotiabank is a top M&A advisor in Chile with 19 transactions totalling US$16.6 billion since 2017.3

Congratulations to our award-winning clients

Scotiabank also extends its congratulations to numerous clients who earned recognition in the 2023 LatinFinance Deals of the Year Awards. The Bank thanks them for the opportunity to contribute our advisory, distribution and complementary services to these milestone transactions that attracted industry-wide notice. They include:

  • Sovereign Bond of the Year: Republic of Chile
  • Quasi-Sovereign Bond of the Year: Codelco
  • Corporate Liability Management of the Year: Vale
  • Corporate ESG Deal of the Year: CMPC
  • Cross-Border M&A Deal of the Year: VINCI
  • Initial Public Offering of the Year: Vesta
  • Equity Follow-On of the Year: FEMSA
  • Loan of the Year: TC Energy

These awards highlight the extraordinary efforts, innovation and performance of leading sovereign, corporate and institutional issuers and borrowers who were active in the dynamic Latin American region during the year.

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1 2023 LatinFinance Deals of the Year Awards Winner
2 Scotiabank and Bloomberg data, January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023
3 Scotiabank data, January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2023